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Best Practices for Outsourcing Talent Acquisition

In today’s job market, there’s a lot of uncertainty and volatility when it comes to staffing across most industries. Having an extended outlook and plan for hiring and meeting your staffing needs is crucial for sustained success and growth. If your business isn’t in a position to take a detailed approach to hiring and meeting its talent objectives, outsourcing your talent acquisition needs is likely the best way to meet your short- and long-term staffing goals. 

By outsourcing your talent acquisition goals to a third-party staffing agency that’s aligned with your objectives, you will be positioned to help your company grow into the future. While you focus on growth and revenue, talent acquisition specialists can identify ideal job candidates for your company and hire, as they provide proactive — rather than reactive — solutions to meet your talent acquisition goals.

Is recruitment and talent acquisition the same?

Recruitment and talent acquisition, while similar, are akin to comparing weather and climate. Recruiting emphasizes fulfilling an employer’s immediate needs while talent acquisition is about scoping and meeting long-term goals, especially for bringing highly skilled employees into the company.

Essentially, the key objective of talent acquisition is the process of identifying and hiring skilled employees to meet your company’s future goals. Whether you need to acquire staff members who have specific job skills or you want to diversify your labor force with employees who feature a range of abilities and backgrounds, outsourcing talent acquisition is a great way to achieve staffing objectives.

What is included in talent acquisition?

Whether outsourced or handled internally, objectives of talent acquisition include having a detailed approach to meet a company’s long-term needs for staffing, especially for positions that are typically harder to fill. From identifying to tracking and interviewing job candidates to hiring and eventually onboarding your new employees, it’s an all-encompassing task that requires careful planning and execution.

Upper management and leadership positions, roles that require specific technical skills or extensive experience, and niche jobs all require a thoughtful approach when hiring, training and even retaining talent.

Follow best practices and meet talent acquisition objectives.

Pursuing talent requires more than using traditional recruitment strategies, as best practices for meeting talent acquisition objectives extend beyond posting jobs to LinkedIn or other social media and job platforms. Instead, you need a plan to follow which will do more than meet your immediate objectives. Instead, you need a tool or a blueprint of sorts that will pay dividends months and even years into the future. 

Consider your staffing needs beyond your current open positions. How much do you think your company will grow and where you will need assistance in the coming months? Next, compile and follow data to ensure you are investing your time and resources into mediums and tools that reach ideal candidates who have the job skill sets you desire. Data used can include where your company’s top candidates come from, whether job applications include the right questions to identify and pull in top talent, and whether your company’s job postings contain language that’s effective in getting qualified candidates to apply for open positions. 

It’s important to note pulling in job candidates with different skill sets requires different forms of outreach. How do you measure talent acquisition? There is no one-size-fits-all solution if you have a range of staffing needs. Once you have identified where you ought to network, it’s time to build relationships there and grow brand awareness so that you are able to hire the talent you need now and continue hiring similar talent in the future. Marketing, good branding and having an established reputation are key in achieving success.

Outsource your talent acquisition needs to STS Staffing.

STS Staffing offers permanent and temporary staffing services and can help you find employees, enabling you to effectively outsource your talent acquisition needs. With us working for you, focus on other areas of your business while we bring in the candidates you need to grow and thrive. Contact us today to get started!



