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Maximizing Your Hiring ROI: How Staffing Agencies Help Employers Find Top Talent

Maximizing Your Hiring ROI: How Staffing Agencies Help Employers Find Top Talent - STS Staffing & Temporary Services

Employers continue to have trouble filling open positions three years into the pandemic. The workforce has shrunk, leaving a surplus of job openings in manufacturing, health care, and hospitality, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

HR staff who must continually focus on hiring, to the detriment of other job responsibilities, may experience job fatigue and burnout. Easing the many tasks involved in hiring is one of several reasons employers turn to staffing agencies to help find top talent.

Saves Time

A traditional candidate search involves developing and placing a job ad, sorting through applications, reviewing resumes, narrowing the selection, and contacting and screening candidates, all before their initial interview.

On the other hand, letting a staffing agency handle the hiring shaves off weeks of work for you and your HR department.

Your staffing partner will manage all the details of the candidate search. Since they place workers in similar positions all the time, they may already have your ideal candidate waiting in the wings. Within days, your agency recruiter will present you with a short list of candidates with the skills and background you seek.

Improves Staff Productivity

Many companies turn to a staffing agency to find temporary personnel for a short-term staffing crunch, such as when a worker takes an extended medical absence or during peak seasonal production. You gain a worker only for the period you need. Since the temporary associate is an agency employee, they handle payroll and paperwork.

A staffing agency can also help with specialized hiring.

“If your organization has limited training resources, staffing recruiters can find candidates who already have the specific skill the job opening requires,” notes Indeed.

Saves Money

Quicker time-to-hire not only helps your staff but it also stretches your resources. You may experience overtime expenses to meet schedules and production expectations when short-staffed. Swiftly filling talent gaps to maintain your workforce helps eliminate overtime scheduling.

The staffing agency typically pays for services like ad placement and promotion, pre-employment testing, and background checks. Their workers are already pre-vetted and qualified, so there’s less chance of them not working out and having to start the hiring process again.

Expert Knowledge

When you work with an agency recruiter, you benefit from their in-depth knowledge of hiring in your industry.

“They have the necessary connections, resources, and accumulated pools of passive candidates looking for new opportunities, allowing them to locate a perfect fit for your role,” says Business News Daily. “Additionally, their extensive knowledge of area-specific salary ranges and market history, and ability to spot red flags during the screening process, can save you money in the long run.”

Find a Hiring Partner and Maximize your Staffing ROI

Contracting with a staffing agency means working with experts who understand your industry and current recruitment trends. Staffing firms have access to a pre-vetted candidate pool and can quickly supply a short list of qualified candidates ready for you to review.

Contact STS Staffing to learn more about how working with a recruitment partner can maximize your hiring investment.



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